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Writer's pictureThe Witch from the North

A Simple Prosperity Charm Bag to Attract Abundance.

Where ever you desire to bring prosperity into your life, this simple charm bag will help. Carry this prosperity charm bag with you, hang it on your altar or in your office, you could even gift it to a loved one.

If you're new here, my name is Betty and I'm The Witch from the North. Today's we're doing a simple prosperity charm bag to help you bring prosperity into the areas of your life where you're seeking more abundance, success, growth, wealth, good luck and expansion. This prosperity charm bag is a quick and easy spell that calls on the planetary magic of Jupiter to assist you in your workings. I created this charm bag with the intention to make it easily replicated so that anyone can do it. If you don't have all of these ingredients, you can find different herbs and crystals that represent what you want to bring into your life. I used the bay leaf to write my intention and the Jupiter talisman to call in the planetary magic. If you don't have a Jupiter Talisman, you can draw the symbol on a piece of paper to represent Jupiter or use another talisman/symbol of your choosing. Below are the ingredients and instructions for you to recreate this charm bag for yourself or a loved one. 1. Small drawstring bag 2. Jupiter Talisman from the Witches Box Subscription, Jupiter Box. ( this is my affiliate link if you're interested in subscribing and you'll also be supporting me)

3. Writing utensil for writing intention on bay leaf. 4. Herbs - Whole Bay leaf - Dried Orange Peel - Dried Chamomile * Optional, add cinnamon for speed. 5. Crystals (charged with intentions) - Lapis Lazuli - Amethyst 6. Incense or herbs for cleansing items and space. 7. Matches or lighter. 8. Mixing bowl and spoon. 9. Notepad, to write down your intentions, any correspondence, incantations or affirmations, and anything else worth noting. 10. Candle to burn while doing your workings (I suggest anointing a green candle with clove oil and carving the jupiter symbol on the candle but white will also work) Please note that, if you would like to incorporate days of the week and moon phases into your spell, Thursday is the day that corresponds to Jupiter and prosperity. The full moon is the best moon phase to use for prosperity spells. However, if you're able to perform your spell on both a Thursday and a Full moon you can harness even more energy for your workings; this of course is not necessary. If you feel that it is necessary, you can do your preferred method of divination prior to performing this spell. You'll want to start by gathering your ingredients and cleansing them along with your space. While cleansing your space and each item you'll be using, focus on your intention and the outcome you're looking to manifest. It is best to write out any incantation or affirmations you'll be using prior. When writing affirmation, write them in the present tense; such as, I am prosperous and I am abundant. Of course this goes without saying but, please research each ingredient's correspondence and know the elements you're calling into this spell. Being intentional and specific will help to focus your energies. Once you have finished cleansing, you will then charge the items for their intended purpose and roll in the spell. If you are using the ingredients I have listed above, I encourage you to watch the YouTube video for the intentions I used. Essentially, you're telling the ingredients to do a certain job or asking the elements to bring in specific energy to this spell for you. Be sure to take your time and really visualize the outcome of the spell as if it's already happened. After you've charged your ingredients you'll add them to your bag; you can also charge each item as you're placing it in the bag. Use whatever order feels organic to you, always trust your intuition. Check out my Youtube video for the set by step process to creating this charm bag.

Take note of the ingredients, symbols and whatever else worth noting (day of week, moon phase, time of day and the areas you intend to bring prosperity into your life). Remember to be specific with your intentions, you can't expect to say, " I want to bring prosperity into my life" and wake up tomorrow with instant results. This is why it's important to take note and also to pay attention to your work manifesting. I suggest spending time each day meditating with the charm bag. When the work is complete, I recommend doing a grounding ritual to bring your energy back to you and close off the spell. Let me know if you made this prosperity charm bag and how it worked for you. Be sure to give the charm bag time to work it's magic. As always, if you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Thanks for watching and remember to like and subscribe to see more content. Until next time, Stay Magical #prosperitycharmbag #attractabundance #thewitchfromthenorth #prosperityspell

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