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Writer's pictureThe Witch from the North

Four Ways to Add Magic to Your Daily Life

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

Does the perspective of adding more to your, already growing, list of To Dos seem daunting? Are you looking for ways to incorporate magic into your existing routines, but aren't sure how to do that? You're in luck, as you've come to the right place. I'm going to share with you, where you can find moments in your mundane routines, to add a little magic. Without, making you feel like there's more for you to do throughout your day.

Let's face it, life can be pretty hectic, notably, if you're like most of the world and your plate is already overloaded. Yet, all it takes is a shift in perspective to see how the mundane is a place for magical opportunity. Incorporating magic into your everyday life can be as simple as, being mindful and putting extra intention into your routine. I'll be the first to tell you that, you don’t have to do an elaborate ritual every day to be connected with the Universe/Divine/the gods, or even just your higher self! As a mom of two, who works full time, I understand what it feels like to have no time left in the day for myself and my practice. It wasn't until four years ago when I crashed and burned, that I realized I needed to re-connect and re-align with what mattered to me most. I started meditating, writing in my journal, and naturally, reconnecting to what made me feel most like myself; which is my practice. I noticed that the less I incorporated my practice into my everyday life, the more I felt disconnected, stressed, and powerless.

Over the course of the last four years, I've made it my priority to connect to my practice on a regular basis. As a result, I've created a list, from my experiences, of everyday practices that can be added to your existing routines, seamlessly.

Cooking As the primary cook in my family, kitchen witchery is an easy one for me to do every day. Start by identifying your ingredient and their magical properties; after some time this will become second nature to you. Stir in a spiral, going clockwise to bring in your intentions or counterclockwise to banish. For example, you can put intentions of love, health and peace, into your dish. You can also create a dish for a sick friend or relative; stirring counterclockwise to banish sickness, disease and discomfort. Add an herb or spice to the dish that has a specific intention you’d like to manifest. Personally, I like using rosemary to flavor most of my dishes; while simultaneously bringing in vitality and health for my family. Another one of my favorites, is drinking herbal tea. Herbs have magical correspondence, and enchanting your beverage makes it an easy way to carry your magic on the go!

Cleaning Have you noticed your home accumulating negative energy? Try adding some magic to your

cleaning routine. Practice visualizing the negative energy being sucked up while you are vacuuming. Or, sweep the negative energy out the back door. This is an easy one and yields great results! Use a homemade floor wash to bring abundance, health, peace, and love into your home. Don’t know how to make floor washes? Google it! It’s an easy way to make cleaning fun, and give your home a magical refresher. My favorite magical wash is a blend of moon water, vinegar, lemon, and rosemary. Remember the clockwise and counterclockwise motions we spoke about above? You can use these to clean your mirrors and countertops while removing any negative energy build-up. Wipe in a clockwise motion to bring some positivity into your home.

After you’ve finished cleaning, open the windows or door and give it a good smoke cleansing to remove any lingering energy!

Simple Rituals: Candles, Incense, Grounding If you are anything like I was when I started incorporating magic into my everyday life, the word ritual gives you a bit of anxiety. The good news is, rituals don’t have to be detailed and drawn out to be effective. Something as simple as lighting a white candle in the morning and saying a small prayer or affirmation for the day is a perfect way to add magic to your day-to-day life. Burning incense on your altar can be used as an offering for your deities or ancestors. Playing relaxing music or guided meditation any time during the day can help you to re-connect and re-align. You can even go for a walk to ground yourself while observing nature and the elemental magic at play all around you. Being intentional with your time, thoughts and routines is the easiest way to connect to the magic within you, and around you.

Divination While divination is a method in which you can connect with the divine, it can also be a tool that encourages you to connect to your intuition. Several methods of divination are available, from which you may choose, to use in your magical practice. Incorporating divination is something everyone should do on a day-to-day basis. Prayer and meditation are easy ways to connect but, I encourage you to try some impromptu divination. This is simple, everyday magic to help tune your intuitive powers. Look for signs and symbols as you go throughout your day that brings about a feeling or thought and take note; this could be the guidance you're looking for. Tarot cards, runes, and crystal balls are some great divination methods but are not necessary on a regular basis. Remember, like with any other skill set, you need to practice developing it; consistency is key! As with everything, do your research. Take a look at the different methods of divination, and see which works best for you and your abilities. The beautiful thing about your craft is that it is your own. Meaning, you can practice it however you feel aligns with your path. Connecting to your practice shouldn't be a daunting task. Begin by adding one of the above mentioned to your day-to-day routine and build from there. You'll notice a greater connection forming when you take a couple of moments every day to connect to yourself and your practice. Strengthening that connection will come from time and putting your craft to work. It is called a practice because it's meant to be worked. Yet, if you aren't able to connect every day, don't judge yourself, we are all living in different circumstances. Ultimately, being intentional with our time and magic is the goal. Let me know in the comment section below what your favorite idea was and how you'll incorporate it into your daily routine. Until next time, Stay Magical.

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